Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My own alignment software

Project Joker.

The idea is to have a very easy peer to peer script in the objects that can interactively be used to do some interesting functions.

Experimenting the following in the toy:

1\ copy position
2\ copy rotation
3\ copy size

Using just a simple menu.

check this for the source: source

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Very busy inworld

I made a lot of interesting things inworld, and started to sell on slexchange.
You can see them at http://slexchange.com/modules.php?name=Marketplace&MerchantID=85242

I also managed to buy a LOT of tools and had some upgrades for something.

Just here a listing of things I bought:

- *****Skidz Primz (waiting for new version, enlisted in beta test), (1500 L$)
- *****Prim.Docker (new version 4.0 released) (600 L$)
- *Texture Aligner (1100L$)
- ***Virtual Builder Studio (2500รง$)
- ****Prim Replicator (1500 L$)
- (didn't check yet) Jextone Easy texture (1600 L$)
- *** Free Temp Rezzer
- * Builder's Tab (free)
- **** Landscaper Friend (cheap)
- ** Builder's Eye
- ** LH Texture Display HUD

I also investigated on the following interesting free tools:

- ** SLBrowser
- * SecondView
- * second pages
- * ShopOnRez